Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Avatar Ordeal

Well, I had an easy time setting up my blog account, writing my first post, and designing my avatar. However, I had a nearly impossible time trying to insert my avatar's HTML code into my blog. The avatar wouldn't show up, and then there were all sorts of technical problems with the code. In the end, my husband Dan saved the day by googling HTML code, changing the code, and entering the new HTML code into my blog. Too complicated for me. I'd rather have just uploaded a picture of myself rather than an avatar of what I wished I looked like! :) Maybe I will upload some photos of myself traveling anyway...

Lifelong Learning

I think it's interesting that as teachers, we are taught to educate our students using many "old school" methods that don't teach our pupils the skills necessary for becoming lifelong learners. As educators, we need to start thinking outside of the box to give our students the resources to become information literate so they may learn throughout the rest of their lives.

When reading the 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners, I realized that I find it most difficult to view problems as challenges. It is true that when life hands you lemons, you should make lemonade. I understand that we learn the most and gain the most strength when facing the adversity that life hands to us. However, when problems start to pile up, it becomes easy to feel overwhelmed. It's a great reminder to sit back and view each problem that arises as a challenge: How can I best handle this situation?

The easiest habit for me is to play. My favorite forms of lifelong learning come from those activities that bring me pleasure: scrap booking, reading, writing, and traveling.