Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thing 17: Rollyo

Well, at first, Rollyo confused me. I didn't quite understand what it was supposed to do. But then, I watched the video done by one of the 23 things participants (a SBISD employee) and it helped immensely.

Bruce's Rollyo video:

Then, I went to Rollyo ( and created my own search roll. I created a roll for the Lewis and Clark expedition. This is a research project for third graders at our school. Often, students get bogged down by all of the information when conducting online research. I chose four high quality, age appropriate websites for students to conduct their search.

Here's my Rollyo search roll for Lewis and Clark:

This is a great resource for teachers, librarians, and parents alike... really anyone who's conducting research. It cuts down a bit on the "information overload" and pares down the results to make it more user friendly.

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